"I was looking for a rural community and found CCS. When I began researching schools, I saw that they are committed to raising the bar in both academics and activities. I liked that they provide students the necessary skills to be successful in whatever future endeavors students may embark on. I've been here for 3 months and my favorite part of working at CCS is the people. The family atmosphere of the staff, support from supervisors and the board, and involvement/support from family community members/families is amazing! Additionally, we have great hard working kids that makes everyday fun!"

Our Mission
Chase County Schools creates exceptional opportunities, fosters strong relationships, and empowers students to succeed.
Our Values
We value student behaviors that are safe, responsible and respectful.

Calder Forcella | High School Teacher

Abigail Bauerle | Middle School Teacher
"Before becoming a teacher at CCS, I was a student. I came to the district from a Spanish-speaking family and my English was limited. From the start, my teachers at CCS ensured that I got the best instruction possible in order to help me excel academically. When I was frustrated my teachers took the time to help provide additional help, whether it was staying after school, coming in early in the morning, or taking time from their plan periods. When I doubted myself my teachers helped encourage and guide me. One of my biggest role models of all time is my high school art teacher Mrs. Zuege. As a student she made me feel validated and important.The impact that Mrs. Zuege and other teachers had on me encouraged me to become an educator. Because of the great experience I had as a student at CCS I wanted to come back and do the same as a teacher. I have been teaching at CCS for three years and my favorite part of CCS is my coworkers. They all go above and beyond for our students."

Arlys Cupp | Elementary Teacher
"I chose CCS because it is my hometown community. I am an alumni of CCS and care deeply about the students and families in my hometown. My roots run deep in this educational system. My grandparents, parents, myself, and my three children have all graduated from this school.
I have taught in Chase County my whole teaching career. This is my 40th year of teaching.
My favorite part of teaching here are the students, their families, and the community support of the educational community. I feel appreciated and encouraged to teach. "
Answering Your Questions:
Who to Contact
Adam Lambert
Becky Odens
K-6 Principal
Chris Barr
7-12 Principal
Where We are Located
Southwest corner of Nebraska.
30 minutes east of the Colorado border and 45 minutes north of the Kansas border
Our Benefits
Blue Cross-Blue Shield of Nebraska
We offer health coverage at the district's expense for the entire family.